Massor av böcker säljes

Boktips, recensioner, och goutrustning

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Joined: 25 Mar 2018, 13:41

Massor av böcker säljes

Post by apa512 »

Perfekt skick om inget annat anges. Kan skickas med valfritt fraktalternativ eller hämtas i Härnösand.

100 kr st eller bud. Jag har ungefär lika många till som åker upp beronde på intresse.

The Direction of Play - Takeo Kajiwara
The Endgame - Tomoko Ogawa & James Davies
Enclosure Josekis - Takemiya Masaki
Nie Weiping on Go (sidor har lossnat)
Imagination of a Go Master - Takemiya Masaki
Get Strong at the Opening - Richard Bozulich
The Power of the Star Point - Shukaku Takagawa
The Chinese Opening, The Sure-Win Strategy - Masao Kato
Get Strong at Attacking - Richard Bozulich
38 Basic Joseki - Kiyoshi Kosugi & James Davies
Positional Judgement - Cho Chikun
Tricks in Joseki - Yang Yilun
In the Beginning - Ikuro Ishigure
The Treasure Chest Enigma - Nakayama Noriyuki
400 Years of Go in Japan - Andrew Grant
The Workshop Lectures: Vol 2 - Yilun Yang
Posts: 1
Joined: 01 Sep 2018, 19:55

Re: Massor av böcker säljes

Post by bogdan14 »

Hi there

My name is Bogdan and I'm from Romania.
I'm interested to buy some books from you - if Google translate works well and I've got the right message . . .
Hope that you still have and sell the books, please tell me if I am lucky or not to do some business with you!

Best regards,
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