44 th Amsterdam International Go Tournament, May 14-17

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44 th Amsterdam International Go Tournament, May 14-17

Post by Eskil »

Hej alla,
Det spelas Go i Amsterdam i turneringsformat under kristi himmelsfärd. Förvisso krockar det med SM, men en kan ju ändå göra reklam här om det råkar vara någon svensk go-spelare som är mer sugen på Amsterdam än SM. Själv tror jag dock att Göteborg 2015 kommer att bli tipptopp! :) /Mvh Eskil


Could you be so kind to forward the announcement of the Amsterdam tournament to all your members?

Kind regards,

Roel van Kollem, chairman of the Amsterdam Go Club.


44 th Amsterdam International Go Tournament, Ascension Day weekend, May 14-17, 2015

One of the major European tournaments, with international participation. Traditionally we have a Blitz tournament on the wednesdayevening before the tournament and as we have done in the preceding years there is a rapid tournament sponsored by DNM. This year that will be held on friday. The main tournament rounds will be on thursday, saturday and sunday.

For more information see the tournament website:


Discount for registration and payment before April 1st (no joke):

<http://goinamsterdam.nl/tournaments/ams ... ment-2015/>

For free and cheap lodging have a look at the tournament site.

In short: register and come to Amsterdam. You'll have a wonderfull time!
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