Amsterdam International Go Tournament 14-17 maj

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Amsterdam International Go Tournament 14-17 maj

Post by Eskil »

Hej alla,
Den 15-17 maj så spelas SM i Göteborg. Men, om någon istället råkar vara i Amsterdam så går det att spela goturnering även där - se nedan.
Dear Go-friends,

Can you please pass on the message below to the clubs/players in your country:

Amsterdam International Go Tournament on the ascension day weekend.

This years event will be a special one with more sponsors than ever. As usual it is held at the European Go Cultural Centre that is at our full disposal. We have extended the outside seating area so you can enjoy the sun between games. Saturday evening there will be a party with a BBQ, a Go quiz, all kind of different games to play for fun and top quality Dutch bites to eat.

The date of the event is rapidly nearing. Register now before the 1st of May and pay the normal fee and enjoy a wonderful tournament!

For more information:

Kind regards,

Roel van Kollem, chairman of the Amsterdam Go Club
Harry van der Krogt, manager European Go Cultural Centre
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