Andrew (intro!)

Information about previous trips
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Andrew (intro!)

Post by Guest »

Yet another intro post.
On KGS - klayzen

I'm Andrew, i'm 21, turning 22 on the day i fly out. I'm a student with one semester to go, studying computers and literature. I learned go from my dad when i was really little, but i've only been seriously playing go for 3 years. I'm 2d AGA, 1k KGS -- and at the tournament this weekend i will try to make 3d, but, no promises! :D

I've never studied with a teacher before, so, i'm really looking forward to really applying myself to some hard go-studying, hoping for 4-5 d when i come back.

I'm most excited about this trip because it's the first time traveling abroad for me (Canada doesn't count :roll:), so i can't wait to see all the sights & learn the language, etc. I'm also looking forward to learning/doing some taiji if i can. Really, though, i'll be up for anything, anytime.

Language wise, my chinese is rudimentary, and i used to speak french pretty well.

I also really like 1-color go 8) Challenge me to it!
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 Apr 2005, 20:35
Location: Virginia, USA

added a picture

Post by Klayzen »

hey, thought i'd post a picture just in case i get hopelessly lost and you see me on the street looking confused ;)


yr flight time?

Post by myaomyao »

Hi Andrew!
We have still not received yr flight info, pls advise ASAP when u wil arrive at Beijing airport.

Michael Yao
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 Apr 2005, 20:35
Location: Virginia, USA

Post by Klayzen »

Hello! I sent an email to just yesterday :)

The itinerary is:

Airline/Flight: AA/149 Stop(s):0
Depart: IAD 08:30 AM Tue, 06/14/2005 Arrive: LAX 10:39 AM Tue, 06/14/2005 Airline/Flight: AA/169 Stop(s):0
Depart: LAX 12:30 PM Tue, 06/14/2005 Arrive: NRT 04:00 PM Wed, 06/15/2005 Airline/Flight: JL/789 Stop(s):0
Depart: NRT 05:50 PM Wed, 06/15/2005 Arrive: PEK 08:35 PM Wed, 06/15/2005

so, i will arrive at 8:30 PM wednesday -- shall i make my own arrangements from the airport?
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